Sunday, October 27, 2013

Why buy from a Beachbody Coach? Get more for your money!

Why buy from a Beachbody Coach?

You've probably seen the infomercials online and the Official Beachbody website, and think why don't I just go through them? Many people don't realize that there is a big difference if you go through a Coach. The prices are the same and if you click on my link you go to my site and it will be a similar experience as if you would buy online through the main site. But if you go through a Coach you will receive the Bonus DVDs for various packages, as well as a Coach, Me, to help guide you and keep you motivated to reach your fitness goals. Why not get more for your money?

For example, when you order Shaun T's latest Focus T25, you will get the Bonus Core Speed DVD, a $19.95 value if you order through a Coach or Team Beachbody.

Another example, is for the P90X2 package, you will get two Bonus workout DVDs a $39.90 value FREE if you order through a Coach or Team Beachbody.

Many other programs offer Bonus DVDs for those that order through a Coach.

Another reason to go through a Coach is that Challenge Packs are only available from Beachbody Coaches. These are the best value for a complete package that will help you reach your fitness and health goals. It includes a Beachbody program, Shakeology Home Direct, and a free 30-day trial of Team Beachbody Club membership which gives you access to additional fitness and nutritional tips and information including a personalized meal planner. Challenge packs are an awesome deal! They are heavily discounted compared to buying everything separately. You can check out the Challenge Packs here: HERE .

Also, sign up for a free Team Beachbody account HERE where All members get access to the WOWY SuperGym®, me as your own personal Team Beachbody Coach, workout buddies to keep you motivated and inspired, weekly newsletters, and community Message Boards.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Best Way to Buy Shakelogy

Updated 1/9/2014 with updated Shipping changes. Get the new Shakeology pricing breakdown - CLICK HERE

Interested in Shakeology? What’s the best way to purchase it?


Many people are interested in how to get Shakeology cheap. The retail price of Shakeology is $129.95.
There are three ways you can get Shakeology at a discount:
1. Become a Team Beachbody Coach. A 25% Savings!
2. Become a Team Beachbody Club member. A 10% Savings!
3. Order Shakeology with auto ship aka Home Direct (HD). A Savings of $12.95.
Option 1, Coaches get 25% off all product purchases, which saves $29.49 per month on Shakeology alone. The cost for a coach account is $39.99, a one-time sign-up fee (which is waived if you buy a Challenge Pack or are an Active Military Member. Challenge Packs are a Beachbody program, Shakeology Home Direct, and a free 30-day trial of Team Beachbody Club membership which gives you access to additional fitness and nutritional tips and information including a personalized meal planner.)
Then there’s a $15.95 per month coach fee (waived if you are an Active Military Member).
Even with these fees you, Shakeology will be cheaper than buying at regular price.
You can also earn 25% commission for referring customers who purchase products through your coach website.
Option 2, Team Beachbody Club Members get 10% off all purchases, including Shakeology, and receive online personalized nutritional planning along with other premium club membership services and information such as trainer tips and recipes. Club members pay $38.87 per quarter, an average of $12.95 per month. 
The last option is Home Direct (Auto Ship) Customers get FREE Shipping, which saves them $12.95 per order per month. Home Direct places you on a 30 day auto ship program, where you receive the product automatically each month.

So here’s the Shakeology Pricing and Breakdown:
Retail Customers: $129.95 + S&H $12.95 = $142.90
Retail on Home Direct: $129.95 + tax (free S&H.. save $12.95)= $129.95
Club Member (10% discount): $116.95 + S&H $12.95+ $12.95 (cm fee charged as $39 every 3 months) = $142.85
Club Member on Home Direct: $116.95  + $12.95 (cm fee)= $129.90
Coach Account (25% off): $97.46  + $12.95 S&H + $15.95 (coach fee)= $126.36
Coach Account on Home Direct: $97.46  + $15.95 (Coach Fee)= $113.41
The figures above do not include tax.
So the cheapest way to order Shakeology is as a Coach on Home Direct, as well as by buying a Challenge pack, which waives the one-time coach fee.  The 25% discount alone, along with Free Shipping, will save you money each and every month, up to $29.49 per shipment.

You can sign up as a coach by clicking here:HERE
Also, you have Shakeology's "Bottom of the Bag Guarantee". If you don't like it you can return it. Shakeology is sold with a 30-day money-back guarantee
The guarantee period starts on the date of delivery (about 2 weeks after the product was shipped from our warehouse). You may return Shakeology packages that have been opened and used, even if the bag is totally empty.

The best way to get something done

What's in Shakeology?

Shakeology has more than 70 super-nutritious ingredients.

Protein and Essential Amino Acids to help build muscle and reduce food cravings*
•  Help build and repair muscles
•  Reduce hunger and food cravings
•  Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
•  Chocolate and Greenberry Shakeology include whey protein isolate, an easily absorbable source of high-quality protein that's ideal for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate include high-quality plant proteins from brown rice, pea and other sources. Essential amino acids, found in these proteins, help the body repair muscle tissue and heal wounds; and reduce hunger pangs. The protein in all Shakeology products provides a highly bioavailable source of essential amino acids.
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes, which aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption*
•  Aids digestion
•  Support a healthy intestinal tract
•  Increase absorption of nutrients
•  Shakeology contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the digestive system.
•  Prebiotics, natural components of certain plants, help support the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive tract.
•  Probiotics are strains of live good bacteria that help with the digestive process. They assist the body in absorbing nutrients and minerals, bring an overall balance to the digestive tract, and help support the immune system.
•  Digestive enzymes, from sources such as pineapples and papayas, help your body break down food into its individual components, making the nutrients easier to absorb.
•  Help promote a strong immune system
•  Help increase energy
•  Help protect the body from stress
•  Help balance endocrine hormones and the immune system
•  Adaptogens are special herbs that grow in harsh climates and conditions, at high elevations, atop mountains where the soil is rocky and oxygen in the air is thin. Because these plants have to adapt to harsh conditions, they have highly concentrated nutrients that can help your body cope with stress, provide energy, and maintain a strong immune system. Shakeology has a total of 9 adaptogens. Which is more than any other shake out there.
Antioxidants and phytonutrients (plant-sourced ingredients) may help maintain health*
•  Help neutralize harmful free radicals
•  Help decrease inflammation
•  Help maintain the immune system
•  Potentially decrease the risk of degenerative diseases
•  Many of Shakeology's fruit and vegetable sources have been chosen for their high concentration of healthy natural substances known as phytonutrients, including flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and catechins. These substances have antioxidant properties, meaning they help neutralize molecules known as free radicals, which damage cells and may contribute to the aging process. In laboratory tests, phytonutrients have shown promise in helping prevent a wide variety of degenerative conditions.
23 Vitamins and Minerals your body needs to function for optimal health*
•  Get a wide range of essential nutrients
•  Get your necessary vitamins every day
•  Make up for dietary deficiencies
•  Most of us don't get the complete range of essential vitamins and minerals in our daily diets. Some important vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, are water-soluble, meaning they're flushed out of your body after a short time and need to be replenished regularly. Others, like vitamin E, can be difficult to get enough of in food. Shakeology Chocolate and Greenberry provide all these nutrients in an easy-to-take form, so you never have to worry. (Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate do not have the vitamin and mineral ingredients added.)
Information from



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