Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Focus T25 Gamma Rip't Up

Focus T25 Rip't Up is another great workout that incorporates cardio and weights. My arms and shoulders got a good workout. The 90 degree shimmy up...oh my.

Here's a list of the moves in the workout:
Split Lunge Agility
Low Switch kick
Double Switch Kick
High Switch Kick

Static Upper Cut
Jack Upper Cut
Wide Row (Pull up)
Single Arm Row L
Single Arm Row R
Lat Pull Down 
Recip Hammer Curl
Tricep Kickback Palms Up
Trcipe Kickback Palms Down
Recip Wide Curl
Single Leg L Shoulder Press
Single Leg R Shoulder Press
4 Count Push Up
Upright Row
2 count Push Up
90 Degree Shimmy up 
90 Degree Shoulder Shrug
Basic Shoulder Shrug
Standing Rocketman
Recip Lawnmower (Pull Ups)
One Legged Deadlift + Knee Raise L
On Legged Deadlift + Knee Raise R
Deadlift and Shoulder Shrug
Recip Push Press
Dual Push Press + Knees at 90 degrees
Recip Push Press + legs 6” off ground
Dual Push Press + Scissor Legs
Down Dog and Plank
Down Dog Alt Leg Plank
Down Dog Alt Leg push up
Down Dog + Oblique Push Up
High Hook
Low Hook and Squat Hold
Low Jack Uppercut
Crossdown Punch Jack
Superman Pulse (weighted)
Rocketman Pulse
Single Leg Dual Curl L
Single Leg Dual Curl R
Single Leg Tricep Overhead Press L
Single Leg Tricep Overhead Press R
Arm Push-up Jacks
Arm Jack + Knee In
4 Count Curl Press L
4 Count Curl Press R
2 Count Curl Press L
2 Count Curl Press R

Check out Scott's 6 PACK ABS | P90X3 PROOF

Amazing results using P90X3. It looks like there's a lot of variety like resistance training, cardio, pilates, plyo, yoga, agility, mobility, and MMA. Workouts are only 30 minutes!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Focus T25 Gamma Extreme Circuit

I'm loving T25 and how the workouts are just 25 minutes each! Extreme Circuit is as great total body workout! It's broken down into five minute sets. You do four different moves for about a minute each and then a burnout of the four moves you just did for fifteen seconds each. Weights or resistance bands are used for most of the exercises and there's some that even have a chin-up bar option.

Here's a list of the moves if you want to know what you're getting yourself into:
·         Alt. Heel Tap 
·         Upright Row
·         Dual Shoulder Press
·         Alt. Knee Crunch 
·         Then Burnout  - You repeat each move at 15 seconds each.

·         Alt. Front Kick 90 Degree Hold
·         Dual Hammer Curl
·         Hammer Curl + Squat
·         90 Degree Straight Leg Hold (L) 
·         90 Degree Straight Leg Hold (R)
·         Then Burnout  - You repeat each move at 15 seconds each, last move is Alt. Straight Leg Kick.

·         Weighted Burpee 
·          Tricep Push-Up 
·         Weighted Squat
·         Plank Crunch
·         Then Burnout  - You repeat each move at 15 seconds each.

·         Elbow Mountain Climber
·         Burpee + Front Kick
·         Recip. Bicep Curl (L)
·         Recip. Bicep Curl (R)
·         Plank Walk + Spider Lunge
·         Then Burnout  - You repeat each move at 15 seconds each.

·         Wide Fly + Hip Thrust
·         Shoulder Press Twist 
·         Walking Ski Abs 
·         Dead Lift + Hammer Curl
·         Then Burnout  - You repeat each move at 15 seconds each.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why I Became a Beachbody Coach

I must admit I became a Beachbody coach just for the 25% discount. I liked the taste of Shakeology that much, since the flavor I get, Chocolate, tastes like a Chocolate shake and is filled with over 70 healthy ingredients including superfood. I've tried other greens powders and this was the best by far! I didn't have much interest in the business portion of it until my Sponsor coach sent me an email with a link to leads videos. I watched one and was intrigued. Once you reach a certain rank, Beachbody gives you free leads, which are basically customers that have signed up directly with Beachbody already and have purchased a program online or through an infomercial and are assigned a coach, who you can contact to join your challenge groups and guide them towards their fitness goals. These leads could eventually lead to more commission for you. I thought I could try and help others by sharing what I know about the Beachbody products I've tried and use, and try to make money at the same time. I've had great success with Insanity and Focus T25 and want to inspire others that they can do the same.

 When you are a coach, you make a 25% commission for any sales through your Beachbody site. The cost for a coach account is $39.99, a one-time sign-up fee (which is waived if you buy a Challenge Pack or are an Active Military Member). Then there’s a $15.95 per month coach fee (waived if you are an Active Military Member). Like I said above, I became a Coach because of the discount and it was the cheapest way to buy Shakeology. To be an active coach, requires 50 PV, or personal volume points, which I get from purchasing Shakeology monthly which is 90 PV. Once you build a team of two or more coaches, you will be eligible to get the free customer leads. Then once you have a team you can earn a team cycle bonus. The income potential is huge but it depends on YOU and your effort on how successful your business can become. I've done some research and there are some people earning more than 6 figures, it’s pretty amazing. In 2012, Coaches made anywhere from $0 to $1,645,484.

Help inspire and support others to achieve their fitness and health goals and make money doing it! Become a Team Beachbody Coach. 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wondering what to eat and when to eat before a workout?

Beachbody's Energy and Endurance before your workout and Result and Recovery Formuala after can help too.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why do I love Shakeology?

I love Shakeology because it's my daily dose of dense nutrition that makes me feel good knowing I'm getting so many nutritious ingredients into my body and it tastes good! I can't believe it tastes so good and I've tried other superfood drinks. It also gives me that extra boost in the morning since I'm not a coffee drinker. If I don't take it for breakfast, I usually just mix it with water for a great snack. Shakeology is the perfect shake to supplement your diet.

Who doesn't want to be healthy? Shakeology is not just for those who want to lose weight. Nowadays people are not getting the nutrients needed to fuel their body because so much food is not the same as it was long ago, more is processed and does not contain the same amount of nutrients. 

Shakeology is derived from whole foods. Shakeology uses several whole-food sources of nutrients, rather than using only synthetic extracts or isolates (like some multivitamin pills). The benefit of whole-food derived ingredients is that the nutrients are preserved as close to their natural state as possible and are therefore delivered to your body in the most holistic way possible. Your body will better absorb and more efficiently use the nutrients from whole-food sources. The process of converting a food from its natural state to a powder, if done incorrectly, can destroy the nutrients in that food. With Shakeology, they ensure the highest levels of nutrients are preserved through strict temperature-controlled drying and processing.

Shakeology is not labeled organic, but they have put every effort into making sure that these ingredients do not contain pesticides, are not destroyed in processing, are produced using the best of fair trade practices, and have many of the benefits of what is considered "organic." So you might ask, "Why isn't it 'certified organic'?" The experience of their development team has shown that sometimes certified organic does not necessarily translate to higher quality. Certifying something can simply jack up the price, especially with ingredients of this quality and quantity. So they decided to focus on making sure the quality and integrity of the product lives up to the promise, without asking you to pay the premium it would cost for us to say it with a stamp of approval from a certification lab.

I love Shakeology! It's the healthiest meal of my day! If you want to change your health for the better, I urge you to try it.

Lately I've been taking Shakeology in the morning. 

Here's my go to recipe:

1 cup of water
1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology 
1 tbsp of Natural Peanut Butter or Tbsp of PB2
1 Banana 

Blend and drink = Yum!!

Why Drink Shakeology Every Day? It can help you:

· Lose weight – especially if you replace a meal with Shakeology every day.

· Reduce junk food cravings – drink it in the morning to enjoy this benefit throughout the day

· Increase your energy and feel healthier.

· Improve your digestion and regularity.

For more info go to http://www.shakeology.com/sminkie .

Info from shakeology.com

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

P90X3 is coming out Dec 10!

P90X3 is coming out Dec 10! Workouts are only 30 minutes long!!

There's a P90X3 Giveaway on P90X3's Facebook page!! They're giving away 1 kit each week until the official launch! Make sure you enter so you have the chance at winning a #FREEP90X3 Kit! This week's entries end on Monday, November 11, at 11:59pm PST so enter now! (Only on computer, not on mobile)

  1. Photo: Hey Boys and Girls - It's time for a P90X3 Giveaway!! We're giving away 1 kit each week until the official launch! Today is the first day, so make sure you enter so you have the chance at winning a #FREEP90X3 Kit! This week's entries end on Monday, November 11, at 11:59pm PST so enter now! (Only on computer, not on mobile)https://www.facebook.com/P90X3/app_137190563016362